(1819 – 1895)
In The Munson Record, Volume II, p. 1134-1138, there is an index that lists Munson inventors and patentees from 1819 – 1895 (use the pull-down menu to access the full list).
One example of a prolific inventor is Albert Leroy⁹ Munson who was the 1st son of Edwin Beach⁸ and Amelia C. Munson. Albert Leroy⁹ was born in New Haven, CT on March 24, 1842. From age 20 to 23, he served with the 5th NY Artillery during the Civil War. After his military service, he joined his younger brothers Edward Benjamin⁹ and Harvey Sperry⁹ in business with the National Folding Box and Paper Co., and The Munson Tobacco Co. Albert Leroy⁹ is credited with inventing the machines that produced the paper box (March 10, 1891) and cigarettes (September 18, 1893). Note that brother Henry Theodore⁹ was a patent attorney in New York City, when Albert Leroy⁹ invented and patented his machines there.