US Regions
The Thomas Munson Foundation is a not-for-profit family organization of the descendants of Thomas Munson (1612 – 1685) who established the family in the American colonies. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 under the laws of the State of Michigan.
The Thomas Munson Foundation (TMF) has divided the United States into seven (7) geographic regions as shown in the US map below. The TMF and Thomas Munson Scholarship Fund Boards of Directors along with other TMF members meet every year for required business meetings. However, on the even years, the meetings are held via teleconference, and on the odd years, the business meetings are held in-person in a city or location within a region and are combined with a Munson family reunion for the region. Locations for these in-person biannual business meetings and reunions are chosen in a rotation cycle of the 7 regions. Reunions held by a region enable “cousins” to gather within a limited geographic area to facilitate travel.
Because we are a national organization, we celebrate a complete Munson Family Reunion at Yale University every 50 years. Past reunions were held in 1887, 1937, and 1987 (the sesqui-tricentennial 350th). The reunion for 2037 is already scheduled. Regional reunions are important in maintaining a sense of family and for welcoming previously unidentified descendants of Thomas¹ Munson into TMF.
The states composing each region are shown in map view and are listed below. Since 1987, the Regional Reunions have been held regularly and are documented in the list below. Unfortunately, the business meetings and reunion scheduled for 2021 were held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021. “Cousins” often attend Regional Reunions beyond their own region just because they enjoy being with other “cousins.”
We encourage every TMF member to attend the biennial, on-location and in-person business meetings and reunions if possible.
If you have any questions about your region, just contact the TMF President.