Thomas Munson Foundation
The Thomas Munson Foundation is a not-for-profit family organization of the descendants of Thomas Munson (1612 – 1685) who established the family in the American colonies. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 under the laws of the State of Michigan.
The Thomas Munson Foundation is a not-for-profit USA nation-wide family organization of the descendants of Thomas1 Munson (1612-1685) who established the family in the New Haven Colony. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 under the laws of the State of Michigan.
The Foundation is governed by a comprehensive set of ByLaws and an eleven member Board of Directors elected by the Regular Members from among their own numbers. The various directors are then chosen by the Board as the Foundation’s officers and chairpersons of standing committees.
The membership meets every two years to elect the directors and to conduct other business that comes before the membership. The Board of Directors meet annually to conduct the affairs of the Foundation.

The mission of the Thomas Munson Foundation is to research and preserve the history of Thomas1 Munson and his descendants; to foster the values to which the family has subscribed, including furthering educational opportunities; and to add to the current body of information regarding the family, past, present and future. In order to achieve this purpose, an extensive network has been developed, beginning with the organization of the family into clans; a geographical division of the United States into seven regions; governing board with specific duties and regularly scheduled meetings; a quarterly newsletter; reunions of the general membership; extending to a five volume genealogy, namely “The Munson Record.”

North Haveners Letter to British Commissary General 1779, Walter4 Munson

Treasures from the Ancestral Garret of Garry8 Munson, Springfield, MA

Old Munson House circa 1789 of Stephen6 Munson, Queen Street Southington, CT
As stated in the ByLaws, the Thomas Munson Foundation has multiple purposes (The Munson Record, Volume III, p. v-vi).
a. To provide financial assistance to deserving students who are lineal descendants of Thomas1 Munson (1612-1685), or their legally adopted children, for scholarships to pay for, or contribute toward their college or post-graduate education.
b. To research the history and development of the Thomas1 Munson family for the purposes of publishing genealogical data and other family records and of identifying candidates eligible for the Foundation’s scholarship awards.
c. To provide a medium for recognition of achievements of lineal descendants of Thomas¹ Munson
d. To assist any organization or organizations engaged in the collection, restoration, or preservation of artifacts, documents, memorabilia, monuments, buildings, or land sites of historical interest to the citizens of the United States, provided that such organization are exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (the “Code”).
e. To further knowledge and understanding of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States and The values and ideals expressed in these documents.
f. To solicit and receive funds and property to be used for any of these purposes.
g. To preserve family documents and historical materials for use by present and future family researchers.

Old Munson House circa 1789 of Stephen6 Munson, Queen Street Southington, CT
The Foundation is governed by its membership through a Board of Directors consisting of twelve members plus a legal advisor who are elected every two years at the biennial membership and business meeting. The 2021-2023 Board of Directors is:
Melvyn Douglass (Clan Waitstill – TX), President
Edith Williams Moersch (Clan John – WA), Vice President
Cynthia Isabell (Clan Waitstill – IN), Secretary
Marie Aubra Parman (Clan Abel – AL), Treasurer
Catherine McNulty Bell (Clan Abel – UT), Historian/Genealogist
Kyle Munson (Clan Theophilus – IA), Public Affairs
Lori Hahn (Clan William – IA), Newsletter Editor
Ardith Goodhue “Susie” Frazier (Clan Solomon – IN) Membership
Cynthia Joan Howard (Clan Benjamin – CT) Library & Museum
Kay Munson Weaver (Clan John – IN) At-Large Director
Kathryn Allen (Clan Waitstill – TX) At-Large Director
David A. Cole (Clan Waitstill – KS) At-Large Director
David A. Munson (Clan Waitstill – TX) Legal Advisor
The TMF Legal Advisor is shared with the TMF Scholarship Fund, Inc. Board of Directors
The Foundation is a non-profit organization. Business is conducted as needed throughout the year by board members. Decisions are governed by the adopted ByLaws. ByLaws are periodically modified, removed, and/or addas as circumstances warrant. Changes bo ByLaws require majority vote of the directors.
Although our first ancestor, Thomas¹ Munson (generation 1), came from England and settled in the New Haven, Connecticut area in 1637, his descendants (currently at generations 15 and higher) have spread across the vast area of the United States. Because of this widespread dispersion of Munson cousins, the TMF divided the United States into seven geographic regions. These regions are designed or mapped to facilitate region-based annual and/or mini-reunions. Also, on a rotating basis, the regions serve as hosts to the annual national reunions and business meetings for the TMF and TMFSF membership and Boards of Directors.

The Thomas Munson Foundation is a not-for-profit family organization of the descendants of Thomas Munson (1612 – 1685) who established the family in the American colonies. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 under the laws of the State of Michigan.
The Thomas Munson Foundation has three categories of membership: Regular, Associate, Life. Regular membership is open to all descendants of Thomas1 Munson, their spouses, and legally adopted children. Initiation fee is $30; annual dues is $15. Associate membership is granted to individuals and institutions who have no known relationship to Thomas1 Munson. Initiation fee is $20; annual dues is $15. Life Membership is open to both Regular and Associate members with a one-time fee of $250.
Benefits of membership for Regular members and Life members who are Thomas1 Munson descendants include subscriptions to all foundation publications, attendance and voting privileges during annual meetings of both the Thomas Munson Foundation and Thomas Munson Foundation Scholarship Fund, eligibility to run for and hold elected office on the foundation’s Board of Directors, and eligibility to be a working member of the various foundation committees.
The Thomas Munson Foundation is a not-for-profit family organization of the descendants of Thomas Munson (1612 – 1685) who established the family in the American colonies. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 under the laws of the State of Michigan.
The Thomas Munson Foundation Scholarship Fund, Inc. (termed “The Fund”) is a separate non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, and maintains a scholarship endowment that is sustained by tax-exempt contributions from members, non-members, willed bequests, and earnings on endowment investments. The Fund is stewarded by a Board of Directors. Members of the Thomas Munson Foundation are also members of the Fund, but only Regular and Regular-Life Members have voting privileges.
At inception in 1987, the Fund provided one-time payment scholarships for eligible applicants. Beginning in 2019, the scholarship program was expanded to annually fund four undergraduate (4-year renewable), one graduate (1-year non-renewable), and two community college (2-year renewable) scholarships, and three short-term internships with employers. Scholarships are awarded to selected applicants who meet the application scholastic and financial-need criteria, and who document direct ancestry from Thomas1 Munson or any other signatory of the Fundamental Agreement of 1639 at New Haven, CT.
The time period of registration and application submittal for a Thomas Munson Foundation Scholarship is November 15 to March 1. The application portal on the website will be opened on November 15 and promptly closed at 12:00am March 1st. No applications will be accepted after portal closure. Award selections are made and announced during the summer preceding the next academic year starting in the Fall. For example, applications for scholarships beginning in Fall 2026 must be submitted online between November 15, 2025 and March 1, 2026. Award selections will be made and announced by June, 2023.
Since 1987, the Fund has awarded scholarships to 112 student members of the greater Munson Family totaling about $350,000. Scholarship winners have attended 86 institutions within 32 states across the country.